If you are expecting to use more bandwidth, and you know that it will exceed the amount included in your current plan, you can pre-pay at the following rates (These rates are located at the bottom of the individual plans located on our website. For example, please click on the following linkhttp://www.cfdynamics.com/sharedhosting/sharedhosting_cfdbasic.cfm, and then browse the bandwidth section under number 5 at the bottom of the page.):
Pre-Pay additional bandwidth 10-50 GB (shared): $30.00/10 GB, Increment $3/GB.
Pre-Pay additional bandwidth 50+ GB (shared): $100.00/50 GB, Increment $2/GB.
Pre-Pay additional bandwidth 50-200 GB (dedicated): $100.00/GB, Increment $2/GB.
Pre-Pay additional bandwidth 200 + GB (dedicated): $75.00/50 GB, Increment $1.50/GB.
If you used more bandwidth than the amount included in your plan in the past month, the following charges will be made to your account:
Post-pay additional bandwidth (shared): $5.00/GB.
Post-pay additional bandwidth (dedicated): $3.00/GB.