How do I setup Auto Responders?

You will need to log in as the admin into Under Select a Domain to the far right of your domain click . On the next page you will find the user click . Under the Edit Other User Settings click the button, you will find  under Mailbox Behaviors.

By default, when creating an auto responder the Reply Address, Name and Message Subject are automatically filled in for you. You may edit the information if there are any changes you wish to make.


Reply Address:

The email address to whom the auto responder is sent. By default, it is the primary email address of the account.



This is the real name in the “From” field of the auto responder.


Message Subject:

A brief description of the message in the “Subject” field of the auto responder.



The message you would like to be sent in the auto responder. Message MUST be 255 characters or less, including spaces.


NOTE: You Must check/uncheck “Enable Auto Responder” in order for the auto responder rule to be enabled/disabled. Always check the button after making any changes or enabling/disabling the auto responder.

or enabling/disabling the auto responder.

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