Mail list policy

Customer mailing lists must be “double opt-in”. (see below)

E-mail addresses that hard fail must be removed within 72 hours. (see below) 

E-mail addresses that request removal must be removed prior to any future mailings.

E-mail addresses that report your mail from your private mailing list as SPAM must be removed within 24 hours. 

SPAM complaints that result from a 3rd party mailing list will be reason for discontinuing the use of that list immediately.

Violation of these mailing list guidelines shall constitute a violation of CFDynamics TOS and may result in suspension of mail server use and deactivation of other domain related services. 

Double opt-in:
A new subscriber asks to be subscribed to the mailing list, but unlike unconfirmed opt-in, a confirmation e-mail is sent to verify it was really them. The person must not be added to the mailing list unless an explicit step is taken, such as clicking a special web link or sending back a reply e-mail. The web link or reply e-mail must contains some sort of secret word or token that can not be guessed by a malicious person. This ensures that no person can subscribe someone else out of malice or error. Mail system administrators and non-spam mailing list operators refer to this as confirmed subscription orclosed-loop opt-in. Spammers sometimes call this method double opt-in, to imply that the confirmation is a duplication of effort and thereby to discourage its use. The use of this term is generally a good indicator that the marketer does not understand good mailing list practices and will do many other things wrong, such as reselling your e-mail address to others.

Hard fail:

A delivery status message stating that the email could not be delivered to the address. A permanent fatal error message. Sometimes called a perm fail 

Common Reasons for getting a hard bounce

User does not exist for the given domain (eg there is no user named bob at

The domain does not exist (the domain doesn't exist)

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