Defining MIME Types in IIS 6


  1. Defining MIME types in IIS 6.0
    MIME types or Multi-purpose Internet Mail Extensions extend the format of Internet mail to allow non-US-ASCII textual messages, non-textual messages, multipart message bodies, and non-US-ASCII information in message headers. To add new MIME types to IIS follow the steps below:


    Ø       From the Internet Information Service Manager right click on (Local Computer) and select Properties

    Ø       On the Properties page click on the MIME Types button

    Ø       On the MME Types page click New

    Ø       On the MIME Type page in the extension field enter the file extension to be added  ex: .ai

    Ø       In the MIME Type field enter the description of the extension. For example .ai  description is application/postscript

    Ø       Then click ok on the MIME Type and MIME Types pages


    Note: The MIME description can either be provided by the customer requesting the addition or from a web search.

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