How to setup a domain alias and email in the control panel and website panel

Creating a domain alias

  1. Login with the account username and password.
  2. Below the domain name in the left side panel, click ‘Create Virtual Server’.
  3. Enter the domain alias into the ‘Domain Name’ box and add a description into the ‘Description’ box if wanted and leave the ‘Server configuration template’ drop down option to ‘Additional Sub Server and click the ‘Create Server’ button

Creating the domain alias and email DNS

  1.  login with the account username and password.
  2. Click on the ‘Domains’ Icon.
  3. In the ‘Domains’ section, click the ‘Add Domain’ button.
  4. In the Add New Domain screen click the ‘Domain Alias’ hyperlink.
  5. Enter the domain alias and put a check in the box next to ‘Enable DNS’ then click the Add Domain button.
  6. You should now be back at the Domains screen with the new domain alias in the list in to the right.
  7. Mouse over ‘Mail’ in the left window and click ‘Accounts’ then click the ‘Create Mail Account’.
  8. This is where you create mail accounts.  You can use the dropdown window in the E-mail Address line to create emails for the primary or alias domain.
    1. Fill out the information and click the ‘Save’ button.

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