Need WordPress Hosting?

Simple signup an easy setup!

Don’t have WordPress hosting yet? Sign up is simple – and setup couldn’t be easier.  Just select one of our hosting plans and you’re off to the races!

* After your signup is complete just close the window and you’ll be right back here to finish setting up your MoverEXPRESS service.

Let’s get moving!

Moving WordPress can be a pretty daunting task – but it doesn’t have to be.  Let our experts move your site for you.  We have a whole team backing you up on this – and we won’t let you down.

When you set up a new WordPress Hosting account with CFDynamics you may qualify for a free hour of MoverEXPRESS service! That usually takes care of your entire site move with room to spare.

You will be in contact by a member of our MoverEXPRESS team soon after we receive your request.  We look forward to working with you!

WordPress MoverEXPRESS

FTP Information

When you want to install a plugin or edit a file do you need to enter your FTP user name and password? If so, we'll need it. Please provide it below to speed up the move.

Site admin access

We'll need access to your current site admin. Give us login information with administrative access and we can take care of the rest.

Malcare WordPress Security